If Trump Goes Down, So Does The Capitol

Nevaeh Tillman
4 min readFeb 15, 2021

By: Nevaeh Tillman

February 15, 2021

With Joe Biden winning the election, Donald Trump tries to hold on to his presidency and get his way. He does so, by causing havoc actions that lead to January 6th being a notorious day with the help of his supporters.

This image is from The New York Times article, “Be There. Will Be Wild!’: Trump All but Circled the Date

We can all agree that the election held tension in all of us, based on different aspects. Some wanted Donald Trump out of office and others wanted him to keep his power position. It was an intense time for everyone and with either results of who was going to win, it was assumed that there would be a break out, it was just a matter of time.

With Biden winning the presidential election, Trump and his supporters weren’t happy with the loss. As expected Trump pushes to keep his presidency by blaming Biden’s win on the false assumption that the votes were stolen. He repeated himself and believed his “truth” with his followers standing beside him. He took it not only to social media (which he always does to “solve problems”) but to the courthouse.

He filed 60 lawsuits in the hopes to have states recount the votes due to the “election fraud”. With this at hand, he must have the evidence? With no surprise, he didn’t because his accusations were just talk. There was no way for him to get away with that, due to the fact that when in court one must always tell the truth, nothing but the truth. With this in mind, in order for the lawsuits to go through, there was a need for evidence.

However, despite him not winning the lawsuits he still had most of America convinced of his lies. One person in particular was Josh Hawley. He too is being pointed at by being a part of causing the riot to occur. Hawley prior to January 6th expresses “I cannot vote to certify the electoral college results on January 6…Congress should investigate allegations of voter fraud and adopt measures to secure the integrity of our elections…” He continued to stand by the fact that the votes needed to be recounted.

What is quite confusing is if Trump and his supporters truly believed the election was fraud, wouldn’t his win from 4 years ago be a fraud as well? It seems hypocritical for him to state that his win 4 years ago wasn’t fraud, but now that he didn’t win, it’s considered fraud.

Involving Social media is no surprise by Trump. He has always been known to take his political views to Twitter, in childish ways. Currently Twitter has separated themselves with Trump by banning his account. The CFO, Ned Segal elaborates the means of him being banned, “…our policies are designed to make sure that people are not inciting violence, and if anybody does that, we have to remove them from the service and our policies don’t allow people to come back.” This recalls even Twitter recognizing his tweets being negative and exposing violence.

Prior to Trump being banned on Twitter, he often shared his opinions online without ever thinking of the consequences from his tweets. Thus, during the election period, he continued to state how the votes were fraudulent and “stolen”. Finally, he sent out a tweet elaborating that he won’t be coming to the inauguration. This was news to everyone because it’s tradition that the prior president go to this event.

Because he already showed his position by not attending the inauguration, he takes it further by announcing he will be giving a speech. His lawyer Rudy Giuliani makes a speech and states, “Let’s have trial by combat”. This later follows the notorious day of the supporters rioting the capitol with the intent of violence and violence only.

Trump later responds to the actions that were inquired expressing in a tweet, that this is what happens “…when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long.” He shares no regrets to the violence that occurred that day. In fact, he rather points blame back to the fact that (so called) if he won, this wouldn’t have happened. Again, showcasing his selfish acts.

When in reality, he needs to take accountability of not only his actions but the fact that he didn’t win and it wasn’t because of “election fraud”(that doesn’t exist).

At one point, Trump was pointed as president, but without his position of power, he is just Donald Trump. With his first election, you can state he was “on top of the world”. With the second election not going his way, he became a demagogue, exposing his true colors. He put many false accusations out on social media, to the court and through his speeches. This insinuated to his supporters to cause the violent outbreak.

No, it was never stated out of his mouth to cause this event, however, to prove any of his lies to be true, his supporters are willing to do anything. Thus, Trump falling off the hierarchy, he’s dragging the capitol down with him. If nothing goes his way, he takes all things down with him.

Oh, what a “selfless” act that was.

With all things that have occurred so far in 2021, we can hope that there can be positive change, however, we shall see what else is in store for us.

